Trusted Travel Hospitality & Real Estate Global Marketing Expert




LINKS TRAVEL TRADE, MARKETING & PUBLIC RELATIONS AGENCY is a subsidiary company of LINKS Worldwide Advisors, whose business focus is business consulting, marketing and public relations for a wide array of clients. With a network of professionals specializing in providing quality services to travel clients…

Ellen DeGeneres has made millions buying and selling luxury properties — here are some of the most lavish homes she’s flipped

Ellen DeGeneres has made millions buying and selling luxury properties — here are some of the most lavish homes she’s flipped

It’s an open secret in Hollywood that Ellen DeGeneres — America’s beloved talk show host and comedienne — moonlights as a successful house flipper. Over the past 15 years, DeGeneres has amassed nothing short of a real estate empire. She buys and sells luxury California…

The shifting face of luxury property in Hong Kong

The shifting face of luxury property in Hong Kong

In 2018 luxury constitutes more than just price point, and size, it is also about location, authenticity, lifestyle and design. As an old saying goes, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, and if ever that adage could be applied to Hong Kong real estate,…

Mentalidad Millonaria

Mentalidad Millonaria

Tu grado de empoderamiento determina tu capacidad para convertirte en millonario. Lo que muchas personas no se dan cuenta es que la clave para lograr triunfar en la vida radica en la forma en que vemos nuestro mundo. Se miente en las preguntas que nos…

Millionaire Mindset

Millionaire Mindset

Your degree of empowerment determines your ability to become a millionaire. What many people don’t realize is that the key to achieving in life lies in the way we see our world. It lies in the questions we ask ourselves, the commentaries inside of us,…

10 Claves Para Convertirse En Millonario Este Año

10 Claves Para Convertirse En Millonario Este Año

Cambia tu mentalidad, implementa cambios en tu estilo de vida y aumenta tus ingresos El primer obstáculo en ser millonario es creer que es inalcanzable. Pero con la asesoría y la actitud correctas, cualquiera puede lograrlo. Una vez que tengas la mentalidad del millonario, no…

10 Keys To Becoming A Millionaire This Year

10 Keys To Becoming A Millionaire This Year

Change your mindset, implement lifestyle changes, accumulate cashflow The number one obstacle that gets in the way of someone becoming a millionaire is the belief that becoming one is unattainable. With the right guidance and attitude, anyone is capable. Once you have a millionaire mindset,…

Rental glut sends chill through the hottest U.S. housing markets

Rental glut sends chill through the hottest U.S. housing markets

<iframe src=”″ allowscriptaccess=”always” frameborder=”0″></iframe> Seattle is known for its hip neighborhoods, soaring home prices, and being home to Inc., the world’s most valuable company. So why is its rental housing market experiencing the most severe slowdown in the U.S.? Seattle-area median rents didn’t budge…

Campamento Esperanza & Alegría

Campamento Esperanza & Alegría

El pasado viernes, 3 de agosto culminó Campamento Esperanza y Alegría 2018, el campamento de verano para niños y adolescentes vulnerables de escasos recursos de la región este del país que organiza desde hace catorce años Clínica de Familia La Romana. El Campamento Esperanza y…

Arte y música mezclan el sonido de Yves Keersmaeker durante su presentación en vivo en Casa de Campo

Arte y música mezclan el sonido de Yves Keersmaeker durante su presentación en vivo en Casa de Campo

El artista deleitó nuevamente a los presentes con hermosas melodías acompañado del pianista cubano Jorge Sosa y la banda ‘Batuta’ del músico dominicano Juan Pablo Polanco, además de la exhibición de piezas de arte de la galería de los señores De Valle. La Romana. Yves…